Our 2 little helpers were really tired from all the counting, but where better to take a nap than in the middle of an army shop, right?
We have some very exciting weeks ahead of us!
During wintertime there are alot of events in the Belgian Ardennes, to commemorate the WW2 battles that took place in '44 - '45. It was in that dreadful, harsh winter that the "Battle of the Bulge" took place, the turning-point in WW2 history that inspired us and our shop.
With Bulge Barn we try to be as close to history as possible, so we're packing up our stock and moving it to our home in Aldringen for the next two weeks.
We have spent the last few days counting and documenting our stock, for the end of year accountancy. Boy, did we work hard on that. We never imagined that Bulge Barn would grow this big in less than a year, but here we are!
We even took time to make a wishlist. We wrote down all the requests from our customers during these past few months and we plan to grow our stock even bigger with these sought-after products and other items.
Starting from next week, 9th of December, people will be able to visit our shop in Aldringen (Burg-Reuland) until the 18th of December.
The address of our shop in Aldringen is: "Martinusstrasse 53, 4791 Aldringen."
If you're looking for something in particular during these weeks, but you can't come to the Ardennes, don't worry. Just shoot us a quick message, we can always take some items back with us to Gorsem (Sint-Truiden) during the weekdays when we are there.
The weather forecast mentions a possibility of snow here in Aldringen. That means there's a chance that the events in Manhay and Bastogne will be accompanied with some winter landscapes.
So, don't forget to take your white blankets along and make sure to dress warm. If you are still in need for some last-minute warm clothing, feel free to browse through our assortment of M43 vests and trousers. We also have some tanker jackets left for those of who like some extra warmth.

Right now our German stock is quite low. We have been working really hard on this and will be offering a wide range of German clothing by the start 2023. So for all of you German reenactors: be sure to check our website and Facebook page often at the start of the next year!

The shop will also be open during the holiday season!
We only ask to make an appointment first. That way we can make sure we're home to welcome you during these busy weeks.
We hope to meet many of you again during the Battle of the Bulge rememberance events and wish you a pleasant remainder of the weekend!
Roeland & Noémi
Bulge Barn
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